The natural forests occurring within the Kilombero Valley fall within the Miombo woodland. The Miombo woodland is characterised by species of Brachystegia and Julbernardia and includes patches of closed forest in some areas.
As the species composition of some areas of the natural woodland falling within the KVTC landholding has been negatively affected by years of uncontrolled wildfires and logging, a strategy of enrichment planting and managed fire regimes has been introduced to increase species diversity to pre-disturbance levels.
In future KVTC might utilize some selected areas of this natural woodland on a sustainable rotation basis – at present a 100% conservation regime is applied.
Footnote: The Miombo woodlands stretches from Zimbabwe through to Southern Tanznaia and Central Democratic Republic of Congo. In Tanzania they occupy about half the land area, occurring in two large blocks in the west and southwest of the country